Meet our team

Management committee

The club is run by a committee of volunteers elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting. Our governing document is our Bye-laws and these are supplemented by a set of Rules and Fees.

Rob Corby

The Chairperson is the club’s CEO.

I joined the club to learn to dive with my wife in 2015 and am now an Advanced Diver. Wreck diving and project diving are my passions, and I currently co-manage Project Baseline Midland Pools and volunteer with Ghost Fishing UK, recovering lost fishing gear from our seas. My current diving goals include improving my experience in planning these sorts of dives.

I became Chairperson in 2019 and aim to facilitate safe and enjoyable diving by promoting open communication, good organisation and effective teamwork within the club.

Martin Maple
Diving Officer

The Diving Officer is responsible for all the diving and training in the club.

I am a Advanced Diver and Open Water Instructor. I also teach wreck diving, twin-set diving, primary donate and gas blending. Previously I spent five years as club Chairperson.

I started diving in 2013 and am primarily a cold water wreck diver. I am qualified on normoxic trimix on open and closed circuit. I have a particular interest in diving with a purpose and am involved in projects around the UK, including Ghost Fishing UK (Newsletter Editor), Project Baseline UK (Trustee) and co-managing Project Baseline Midland Pools.

Mike Waddington
Training Officer

The Training Officer leads the club’s training activities.

I joined the club to learn to scuba dive in 2015 and am now a Dive Leader and Open Water Instructor. I enjoy inland and sea diving as often as I can in the UK and warmer waters around the world. I’m particularly passionate about under water photography. I also enjoy diving with a purpose having dived with the Nautical Archaeology Society, Project Baseline Midland Pools and soon with the Marine Conservation Society’s Seasearch project.

Mike Cross

The Treasurer looks after the club’s money.
I have been with the club since 2011 when I learnt to dive and am now a Dive Leader and Open Water Instructor. Over the years I’ve held several positions on the committee.

I fit my diving in around a busy home life, escaping to the coast a few times a year to dive around the UK as well as the local inland sites. I particularly enjoy diving with a purpose having dived with Project Baseline Midland Pools, the Nautical Archaeology Society and soon to be Seasearch.

James Sheldon

The Secretary is the communications officer and also arranges the try dives and scuba refreshers.

I have been with BSAC since 2018. I’ve been on the committee since 2020. I’m currently a qualified Sports Diver.

I enjoy all things to do with scuba diving, especially wrecks.

I am the main contact for new diving enquiries. I really enjoy being customer facing to help get people into diving.

Joe Taylor
Equipment Officer

The Equipment Officer looks after the club’s diving kit.

I learned to dive with PADI, but having joined the club in 2023 I am now a BSAC Sports Diver.

The beauty of the underwater world is what drew me to diving initially, but it’s the sense of adventure I get that keeps me diving when the water temperature drops! My favourite aspect of diving is just getting to try something new!

Dawn Holliday
Welfare Officer

The Welfare Officer is responsible for ensuring a safe and inclusive environment is achieved.

I joined the club in 2017 when I learnt to dive and have now progressed to Dive Leader. I enjoy both wreck and reef dives and support Project Baseline Midland Pools.

I joined the committee as a General Member and am now Welfare Officer. As part of my job at a special educational needs school I trained as a designated safeguarding lead. I have gained a wealth of experience of identifying and dealing with safeguarding concerns that relate to both children and adults. I also support staff with equality, diversity and inclusion issues. These are transferable skills for my club role.


Training is provided by our team of volunteer instructors. They receive no payment for their time but are qualified to the same high standards as commercial instructors. A selection of their qualifications is shown below, however this is just a flavour – we are able to teach more than these courses! Talk to us about your diving goals and we will help you reach them.

Hugh South
Advanced Instructor
Drysuit Instructor
Oxygen Administration Instructor
AED Instructor
First Aid for Divers Instructor
Lifesaver Instructor
Practical Rescue Management Instructor
Twin-set Diver Instructor
Compressor Operator Instructor
Mixed Gas Blender Instructor

Mike Cross
Open Water Instructor
Drysuit Instructor
Oxygen Administration Instructor

Jake Forster
Open Water Instructor
Drysuit Instructor
Oxygen Administration Instructor

Pete Friswell
Open Water Instructor
Drysuit Instructor
Oxygen Administration Instructor
Buoyancy & Trim Instructor

Martin Maple
Open Water Instructor
Drysuit Instructor
Oxygen Administration Instructor
Buoyancy & Trim Instructor
Lifesaver Instructor
Twin-set Diver Instructor
Primary Donate Instructor
Wreck Diver Instructor
Advanced Wreck Diver Instructor
Compressor Operator Instructor
Mixed Gas Blender Instructor

Steve Riley
Open Water Instructor
Drysuit Instructor
Oxygen Administration Instructor
Twin-set Diver Instructor

Mike Waddington
Open Water Instructor
Drysuit Instructor
Oxygen Administration Instructor

Luke Brock
Assistant Instructor

Dive managers

Diving is organised by our team of qualified dive managers. They are supported by assistant dive managers, the committee and instructor team.

Rob Corby
Advanced Diver

Hugh South
Advanced Diver

Dawn Holliday
Dive Leader

Pete Friswell
Advanced Diver

Mike Cross
Dive Leader

Jake Forster
Dive Leader

Martin Maple
Advanced Diver

Mike Waddington
Dive Leader

Jamie Vaughan
Dive Leader

Steve Riley
Advanced Diver

Ian King
Dive Leader