Year: 2023

Marlin Night Diving at Stoney Cove

Two of three members of the Scooter Mafia turned up last night for the night dive, along with about twenty other divers on the whole site! We arrived on site at about half past 5 for a 6 o’clock kick-off. After a dive briefing covering the plan, some safety aspects […]

Marlin at Swanage

Swanage is a popular destination for the typical British holidaymaker but more so for UK-based divers, so if you’re booking a club dive trip it’s advisable to book well in advance and ensure the trip is before the school summer vacation.  The picturesque coastal town has a reputation for offering […]

Try Dive at the Midlands Dive Chamber

50 Metre Dry Dive at the Midlands Dive Chamber, Rugby, Warwickshire. 29th April 2023.   Attended by Mike Waddington, Trisha Mason, Bailey Walker, Tristan Martin, Kate Martin. Organised by James duCassé.   The Midlands Diving Chamber, aka MDC, is one of the largest volume Hyperbaric chambers in the country and […]

Anglesey Dive Report

Anglesey has been on my diving bucket list for quite a while. It’s not too far from the Midlands, has good road links and plenty of shore diving sites on opposite sides of the island. The opportunity just had never come up… until now. I’d completed a Seasearch Observer course […]

Jake’s Leading the Dive in Lundy

As part of my Dive Leader qualification, I organised a 2-day trip to Lundy Island in the Bristol Channel on the 19th & 20th of May, having dived there in 2022. The group consisted of 11 divers: Jake Pete Barry James Ian Hamish Marc Adam Geoff Joe Luke   People […]

A World Out of Reach

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Joseph joined Marlin Sub-Aqua Club in December 2022; he is sharing his story below, highlighting his goals for deeper diving and the importance of a community of like-minded people in BSAC and its charity work over other “for-profit” diving organisations.   I started diving when we were allowed out of […]

Post winter warm up

With the clocks changing this weekend the diving season is starting to hot up. Well not in the water, which was 6ºC! But with drysuits donned that didn’t stop five members jumping in for a dip on Saturday. Join us next time? Get in touch today!