Month: January 2012

First Aid Training Update

Branch Training Activities Kev’s reputation must be spreading. Last night we had 19 members eager to brush up on their first aid skills. I’m sure there were even a couple of new jokes in this week’s presentation. Next Thursday will be the last of this set of lectures which will […]

Weekly Deco 64

Photography SDCLast Saturday morning nine of us, plus Joe who was instructing, made our way to the Anker Valley canoe clubhouse in Hartshill for the theory lectures of the Photography SDC. Our first challenge was to find the place as despite having a post code and a map drawn by […]

Weekly Deco 63

Branch Training Activities Thank you to everyone who made the effort to attend the first aid lecture last night and to Kevin for putting in so much enthusiasm as usual. It was clear that some of us needed more refreshing than others, and for some this was totally new. Next […]

Weekly Deco 62

Happy New Year Everyone Considering how cold, dark and wet it was last night we had a reasonable and boisterous turn out for our first meeting of 2012, with 17 members and 3 guests, including one try diver. We’re hoping that talk of Kevin’s doo dah, Eoin’s penchant for wearing […]